Friday, April 20, 2007


Well, I just auditioned for the national tour of Cats! I got called back for Gus/Growltiger! I'm not a very good auditioner, and I am terrified to actually go through the process of auditioning! I don't know what it is, but I am fine as soon as I am getting a paycheck! Anyway, I have a wonderful friend who decided to go with me. She knows me too well, and knew that I would say I had auditioned, and say that I had not been cast (having not even gone to the audition)! She made me go, and it seems that this was a good thing. After I almost threw up, and needed a bag to breathe into, it was worth it. Now on to round two! Who knows. I might not even have a role to audition for. This years tour is offered to stay on for another year. If the current Gus wants to tour again, then I am up shit's creek without a paddle. At least they have me on file! I have to go back in on May 7. I think I'm gonna puke.

1 comment:

quin browne said...

and you got called back.
